Time Management Made Easy

“I believe the only productivity ‘hack’ you’ll ever need is a to-do list. Let go of your task-crowding mindset – the results may surprise you.”  Could time management and growing your business really be that simple?!

Ben Simkin, founder of a multi-million dollar marketing company, boils it all down to “The 4 Golden Rules of Millionaire Time Management:”

  1. Command an army of gatekeepers
  2. Stop checking your email
  3. Make a to-do list, and stick with it
  4. Eliminate face-to-face meetings

Interestingly, the common thread running through all four of these golden rules, is DELEGATE.  Read the article to see how delegating tasks can increase your productivity and grow your business!


The 4 Golden Rules of Millionaire Time Management

There’s really only one life hack you need to sit up and pay attention to when building your business: time management. It’s a ridiculously vital skill, yet many of us are guilty of falling behind. I think entrepreneurs are easy to label with this false image of rolling out of bed whenever they want, scheduling meetings ‘whenever’, as if being your own boss means you’re the boss of time itself.

That’s not how I grew BusinessNET, and it’s not the path to sustainable wealth. Ask anyone who’s ever grown a company. Being your own boss doesn’t mean you stop punching time cards – it just means you make the cards.

I committed early on to wiping out distractions and managing my time with laser focus, and I am 100 percent positive that if any one thing made me a millionaire it’s having a system in place to

manage my time. Here are the four steps I found most effective: Read more…