So you want to get found on Google?

Are you business owner in Grand Rapids, or the West Michigan area?  Sometimes I think West Michigan is the best kept secret in the whole US.  That’s great for having uncrowded parts and trails, but not so good if you’re trying to get the word out about your business.

In Grand Rapids, search engine optimization can quickly get you more visibility for your website. Why? The market here isn’t as competitive as it is in other cities, so you have a decent chance of making progress.

How do you rank on Google?  Are you #1?  Are you on the first page? Do you know what your customers search for in order to find you?

Success! You reached the top of Grand Rapids Search!

Try some searches in Google.  See which searches you show up for.  Don’t search for the name of your business, search for your category.   For example, if you’re a dental office, try “dentists in Grand Rapds” or “dental office in West Michigan”.

If you are on the first, page, congratulations!  You’ve done some hard work to get there, and your hard work will pay off in new clients and more revenue!

But if you’re not getting found on Google, then what?  You need help with Search Engine Optimization, also know as SEO.

Search Engine Optimization is the process of making updates to your website so that it is more easily found on Google by your potential new customers. If your potential customers and clients can find your website, they will be more likely to purchase from you.  It’s one of the main avenues that small businesses bring in new customers.

SEO ties into your website and your other marketing systems, such as advertising on Google or Facebook.  It also ties into social media and email marketing.  All of these system tie in together – the platforms, the software and the technology all tie together to get your business found online.

What’s the first step?  Let’s find out where you are with digital marketing, technology and your website. 

Take the marketing and tech assessment first:

Then we can have a discussion about getting found online, and bringing in more clients for your business.