How Do You Manage That To-Do List?

Some people love To-Do lists…others, not so much.  Regardless of what camp you fall into, everyone needs to have a system to help them remember tasks and be productive during the work day.  This Fast Company article gives some great suggestions from CEO’s to make your system work for you:

  • Jot it on the smallest surface possible
  • Tackle only what You can memorize
  • Let your inbox be your guide
  • Put the spillover on paper
  • Delegate what you can

“The day I relinquished control of my calendar to my assistant was the day I recaptured 40% of my time back.”

  • Give it time…
  • …And prioritize you

These 10 CEO’s To-Do List Hacks

You’ve never quite figured out the best way to organize your to-do list–join the club. Perhaps you’ve got dozens of pages of to-dos stored away in the Notes app on your phone, and dozens more spread out across Slack and Trello. Or maybe you’ve tried a bunch to-do list apps and haven’t been able to commit to one. Fear not: There’s no right way to do to-do lists. “What’s more important than an app is having a reliable system that can help you prioritize the important things and juggle many things at once without feeling overwhelmed,” says Amir Salihefendic, CEO  Read more…