What you really want from your business

Business owners are always seeking to increase their income and revenue. This is what drives businesses forward and is what capitalists deem as the ultimate goal.

However, unless they are saving to pay for a vacation, to pay off bills or debt, or to pay for other necessities, they are not inherently looking to buy more things.

What business owners want more than anything is more time—more leisure time, more time with the family, and more time to work on the “fun” part of their businesses.

Essentially, they want more freedom.

There are two ways to achieve this goal.

Let’s look at the long version first:

  • Active and focused marketing leads to more prospects.
  • More prospects lead to more sales.
  • An increase in sales results in an increase in revenue.
  • More revenue leads to more profit—or at least it should.
  • More profit means more money in your pocket.
  • More money translates into freedom.

In this version, more money leads to more freedom, instead of the other way around.

However, this whole system involves a lot more work to make it all happen. It will take twice as long to start enjoying this new sense of freedom: taking more time off, hiring more employees, spending more time on the tasks you love.

Here’s the shortcut to achieving all of these things:

  • Hire a personal assistant.
  • Offload administrative and tedious tasks to the assistant.
  • Use the newfound freedom you’ve gained to focus on the fun parts of the business, go home early on Fridays, and take longer vacations.

In the long run, having more freedom will also bring in more income. Since you are able to focus on building the business, it will grow.

And a plus? The increase in revenue will pay for the assistant.